Interactive Design / Final Project: 5 Page Website
29/05/2023 - //2023 / Week 9 - Week 14 Kim Min Ah / 0356145 Interactive Design / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School PROJECT Final Project: 5 Page Website NOTES Week 11 -Don’t place the header on the right -Few lines can be in the centre -Three columns maximum -“Min”-width: Fixed value -Hamburger menu -Bootstrap(considered as a framework) -Any app has to be installed: native app -.container-fluid:100% M-5 : margin 5 INSTRUCTIONS Fig 1.1.1 Interactive Design Module Booklet Final Project: 5 Page Website Sitemap Fig 1.1.2 Final project sitemap To ensure high accessibility for a wide range of users , I decided to create two versions of web pages: a coloured version and a greyscale version. Wireframes Fig 1.1.3 Final project wireframes Mood board Fig 1.1.4 Final project mood board Referenced images Illustration from Illustration from Freepik https://www.pinterest...