
Showing posts from June, 2023

Interactive Design / Final Project: 5 Page Website

29/05/2023 - //2023 / Week 9 - Week 14 Kim Min Ah / 0356145 Interactive Design  / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School PROJECT Final Project: 5 Page Website NOTES Week 11 -Don’t place the header on the right -Few lines can be in the centre -Three columns maximum -“Min”-width: Fixed value -Hamburger menu -Bootstrap(considered as a framework) -Any app has to be installed: native app -.container-fluid:100% M-5 : margin 5 INSTRUCTIONS Fig 1.1.1  Interactive Design Module Booklet Final Project: 5 Page Website Sitemap Fig 1.1.2  Final project sitemap To ensure high accessibility for a wide range of users , I decided to create two versions of web pages: a coloured version and a greyscale version. Wireframes Fig 1.1.3  Final project wireframes Mood board Fig 1.1.4  Final project mood board Referenced images Illustration from Illustration from Freepik https://www.pinterest...

Interactive Design / Project 2: Working Web Page

15/05/2023 - 08/05/2023 / Week 7 - Week 10  Kim Min Ah / 0356145 Interactive Design  / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School PROJECT Project 2: Working Web Page CLASS NOTES Week 7 (15/05/2023) JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Selection tool   Edit copy porch Create new artwork with transparent background Control the file sizes for quick loading time For web: Save for web   Export the image (not save) 72 dpi Resize the photo if it requires Do not resize the image on dream weaver. JPG low medium high Working files Only web only (images and pages) File name example: img_main.jpg title= “logo” Allow users to hover over the image and see the information ID attribute All low keys Make sure there are no several elements that have the same value for the ID attributes. It has to be unique. Class attribute e.g.) class=“left” Block level elements : Appears in a new line e.g.)<h1>,<p> Inline el...