Digital Photography and Imaging / Final Project Exercises
28/10/2022 - 11/11/2022 / Week 9 - Week 11 Kim Min Ah / 0356145 Digital Photography and Imaging / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School PHYSICAL CLASS Week 9 (29/10/2022) We had an introduction to Adobe After Effects to create a simple animation. Enable layers Duration 5 seconds drop-down menu(arrow) Composition setting - duration - 5 seconds How to ease the keyframes: 1. drag keyframes 2. Control-click on them 3. Key assistant - ease click on three dots (motion blur) Week 10 (04/11/2022) We learned how to create simple animations in adobe photoshop. Select - modify - expand Edit - fill - content-aware fill Create smart object Puppet wrap tool Week 11 (11/11/2022) Lerned how to use different effects in adobe after efects. 3D view Layer - camera - create camera for 3d view Keylight Effect -Keying Exercise 1 (week 9) Simple animation in adobe after effects Figure 1.1.1 animation in adobe after effects Exercise 2 (week 10) Simple animation in adobe photoshop Figure 1.1.2 lay...