Minor Project

03/04/2023 -  07/07/2023  Week 1 - Week 14 

Kim Min Ah / 0356145

Interactive Design  / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School


Kim Min Ah
Catherine Herbert Temba
Chai Yi Xuan
Ivy Jee Yi Jie
Shofwa Alyadiena Wismayandi
Siti Maisarah Binti Mohd Anuwarsani (leader)


Lilly Doll Project - AIDA


Design Thinking

-Empathy connected to a human-centred design to solve real-world problems

5 steps of Design Thinking:

-Empathize (inspiration)



-Prototype (MVP / minimum viable product)


What people desire

What is technically and organizationally feasible

What is financially viable

The Target audience has to be very specific

Simple and clear words that customers can understand

Fit yourself into the target audience’s shoes

User + need + insight (probably something that users might don’t wanna say or know how to say it)

Persona gives a better understanding(empathy).

Sampling tool to relate better


Fig 1.1.2  Week 1 group meeting progress

Fig 1.1.3
  Week 1 group meeting progress

In week 1, we had an ice-breaking session to get to know each group member better.

Individual Progress

Fig 1.1.4  Week 1 individual progress

Fig 1.1.5 Week 1 Brief problem research

After that, we distributed our workload to basic research. I got in charge of the problem statement.

week 2

Fig 1.1.6  Personas, a screenshot of the Miro board

Focused on coming up with initial ideas and characteristics for three personas.

Fig 1.1.7 Questions and assumed answers, a screenshot of the Miro board

We also worked on interview questions and expected responses.

week 3

Fig 1.1.8
 Week 3, three personas, a screenshot of the Miro board

We received feedback regarding the personas and finalized them.

week 4

We had a collaborative meeting with Mr. Beatrice and the computer science students.
After the meeting, we had a chance to interview Ms. Beatrice.

week 5

During week 5, we focused on finding interviewees.

week 6

We gathered around to work on setting a mood board for the overall design direction.

Fig 1.1.9
 Week 6 moodboard progress

Fig 1.2.1
 Week 6 moodboard progress

Fig 1.2.2
 Week 6 moodboard progress

Week 7

Fig 1.2.3
 Week 7 user journey map progress

Fig 1.2.4
 Week 7 logo progress

Fig 1.2.5 Week 7 logo progress

During week 7, we had an introduction to the user journey map.
Also, Ivy and I worked on sketching logos for the lily doll.

Week 8

In week 8, we all separated our workload to prepare for the upcoming mid-presentation.

Week 9

Fig 1.2.6 Week 9 proposal presentation slide

We had our proposal presentation. After that, we worked on revisions based on the feedback we received from Mr. Mike and Ms. Beatrice.

Week 10

We completed the user journey.

Week 11

Fig 1.2.7 Week 11 storyboard individual part

Fig 1.2.8 Week 11 storyboard individual part

Fig 1.2.9 Week 11 storyboard progress

Fig 1.3.1 Week 11 storyboard progress

All of us took parts to complete the storyboard to show the assumed user's experience with Lily doll. We had a meeting with Mr. Beatrice on Saturday to show the updated progress.

Week 12

Fig 1.3.2 Week 12 logo progress

Ivy and I worked on finalizing the logo and initial ideas for posters. Other group members also worked on finalizing their parts.

Week 13

Fig 1.3.3 Week 13 packaging progress

Fig 1.3.4 Week 13 packaging progress

Ivy and I came up with the idea of "playset packaging", which allows the whole packaging box turns into a sofa playset. It is to achieve sustainability by reusing the box as a playset and to allow users to keep the information on the packaging for a longer period of time. 

Moreover, I designed stickers for users to decorate the sofa playset.

Week 14

Fig 1.3.5 Week 14 sticker progress

Fig 1.3.6 Week 14 sticker mockup

All of us worked on finalizing our design, mockups and final presentation slides.

Final Submission


Fig 1.3.7 Final Presentation


- Finalize the age range that we are targeting
- design a series of dolls (suggestion)


-Must consider the connection between the lily doll and the child with ASD near puberty.

-Mention of the "imbalanced hormone" of the cousin is not necessary.
-Need to define the emotional relationship between the cousin and the autistic child.

-The benefits of the doll for the specialist. Why does he need the doll?
-Further research on the professional (Dr. Rohan) is required.

-Describe a specific daily routine of Jenny (Mother) and her family.
-Why does Jenny need the lily doll in her situation?
-Is the persona of Jenny general enough to represent most of the parents with autistic children?

Graphic Design

-The use of yellow colour on the packaging doesn't give a colour contrast. 
-The yellow colour takes too much attention away from the doll.

-Give more connection to the application icon with the doll.
-Too childlike.

-Conduct further research about playsets of existing brands.


During the past 14 weeks, my teammates and I were assigned to the Lily Doll Project, part of the Lily Project by AIDA. This project was to create a comprehensive brand identity for Lily Doll. This task included designing the dolls, as well as developing the logo, packaging, posters, advertisements and smartphone app. The target audience for this project encompassed children with ASD, their parents, and specialists who work with children with ASD.

While working on the empathy stage, we had to create three personas relevant to our target audiences. I observed that describing characteristics and specific daily routines of each persona took enormous time to complete compared to other stages since all traits of personas had to be enough to reflect our target audience's preferences, motivations and lifestyles, etc. 

Throughout working on this project, the most significant lesson I learned is that "empathy" is the essential and foundational factor in every stage of the design process and its outcome. Previously, I had grasped this concept intellectually, but this module has truly provided me with an emotional understanding. 

Moreover, I could experience the power of teamwork. I found that working collaboratively as a group on this project for 14 weeks gave me good memories and a strong sense of solidarity. 


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