Intercultural Design / Project 1

10/01/2023 - 21/02/2023 / Week 1 - Week 7  

Kim Min Ah / 0356145

Intercultural Design  / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School


Group 16:

Min Ah Kim (Leader)

Viola Allegra Tiorida

Low Chi Suan

Celeste Low Ly-Ven

Yang Jing Wen

Tan Sing Yee

Project 1:
- Proposal (+ research & Data Collection)
- Progress
- Final Submission (


Fig 1.1.1  Intercultural Design module booklet



Fig 1.1.2 Research for funk culture in Japan and Brazil 

Problem Statement

Fig 1.1.3 Problem statement PDF

Sketches & Rationales

Fig 1.1.4 
Sketches and rationales

Final Proposal (+ Data Collection)

Fig 1.1.5 
Final proposal with data collection



Fig 1.1.6 


Fig 1.1.7 
Background elements

Fig 1.1.8 
Background elements

Fig 1.1.9 Extra elements


Fig 1.2.1 
Character in progress in Adobe Illustrator

Fig 1.2.2
 Characters (dancing people)

Fig 1.2.3
 Characters (people crossing)

Fig 1.2.4 Characters (people waving)

Fig 1.2.5 Characters (a girl with a puppy)

Fig 1.2.6
 Characters (musician playing bass guitar and bongo drum)

Fig 1.2.7 Characters (picket girls)

Expected Frame Examples

Fig 1.2.8 Frame example 

Fig 1.2.9  Frame example 

Fig 1.3.1 Frame example 

Fig 1.3.2 Frame example 

Frame In Progress

Fig 1.3.3 Frame in progress

Character Profiles

Fig 1.3.4
 Character profiles progress

Fig 1.3.5
 Instagram tile arrangement view


Fig 1.3.6
 Funk it up logo sketches

Fig 1.3.7 Funk it up logo #3 in different colours

Fig 1.3.8
 Final funk it up logo information

This logo was designed to emphasize "music" and simultaneously the first letter "F" of funk to give a clear impression of our project and Instagram page. Neon colours were applied for stronger legibility and to connote the funky ambience.


Fig 1.3.9
 Poster progress

Final Submission


Fig 1.4.1
 Final funk it up logo

Character Profiles

Fig 1.4.2 Character profiles

Post Tile Arrangement

Fig 1.4.3
 Post tile arrangement


Fig 1.4.4
 Final animation

G Thang (Canvas royalty-free music)


Fig 1.4.5

Instagram Page 

Fig 1.4.6 Group 16 project Instagram page


-The direction of the ideation has to be more specific.
-Rationales explain the reasons for the chosen references have to be included.

-Create a logo (as a part of branding) representing the account.
-Utilize the tile arrangement properly to provide a good visual experience to audiences.

-Add a QR code that links the Instagram account on 
the final poster.



Despite that it was seven weeks short-term, I could train comprehensive skills throughout the Intercultural Design module. The project we were assigned as a group required continuous efforts such as a sufficient amount of research, idea development, time management and communication skill. 


Based on the instruction, we had to present an idea that connotes "culture." Working on a project without a particular direction was absorbing and challenging at the same time. I observed that adequate idea development and research are the basic frames for a successful design. 


I found it very attractive to execute a design that interacts with society. The idea of processing something that can bring some effect on individuals or society has given me strong motivation and a sense of responsibility. 


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