Information Design / Project 1: Instructable Poster

15/01/2023 -  23/02/2023/ Week 1 - Week 7  

Kim Min Ah / 0356145

Information Design  / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School


Project 1:
-Instructable Poster
-Animated Insturctable Poster


Fig 1.1.1 Module Information

Project 1: Instructable Poster


How to make Pincinelle (Lidia’s bread dough past)

Bread dough - 1 kg plain flour and 25g fresh yeast and 600ml water

Dissolves the yeast and mix them all together

A brief knead 

1 hour and a half rest (less than half a centimetre thick)

Double roll the sheet and slices them

Roll them into a ribbon and cut them into   20cm

100ml extra virgin olive oil 

1 kg of fresh tomatoes

10g basil leaves

One onion

A pinch of Salt and sugar

Boil the pasta

Pour the sauce on top of it and mix them well

Dress the past with some shredded basil


Fig 1.1.2
 "Past by Coolgraphic...", Pinterest

Fig 1.1.3
 "Pasta set", Pinterest

Fig 1.1.4 "Pasta Triya", Pinterest


Fig 1.1.5
 Project 1 Sketch

The pasta noodles and the sauces are being served on the plate. This composition shows the image of Pincinelle at first sight, and little illustrations and instructions next to the image provide specific steps: how to cook Pincinelle.

Fig 1.1.6 
Project 1 Progress


-Infographics should be in the best form to deliver information or knowledge to viewers.
-Mainly focus on the precise delivery rather than on the visuals.

Different Trials

Fig 1.1.7
 Project 1 trial

Fig 1.1.8 Project 1 trial

Fig 1.1.9
 Project 1 trial


-Too much negative space.
-Illustration is still too heavy; it takes eyes away from the necessary information.

Final Submission

Fig 1.2.1
 Final Poster

Project 1: Animated Instructable Poster


Fig 1.2.2
 Vector animation sketch

Fig 1.2.3
 Vector animation sketch

Final Submission

Fig 1.2.4 Final animated poster

Cooking Music, Beatbrary-No Copyright Music



Even though this term had only seven weeks of curriculum, I learned numerous skills through every exercise and project. I always wanted to learn and practice vector animation in Adobe After Effects program, and I could fulfil this desire through Mr. Martin's lectures and exercises. I'm more than satisfied with that and looking forward to applying it to further tasks. Moreover, I didn't have a clear understanding or experience in "Infographic Design." However, I had to practice creating an infographic design.


The focal purpose of infographic design is to deliver information or knowledge to audiences. I observed that I tend to prioritize visual elements over necessary information.


It wasn't simple to execute a good infographic design that provides information distinctly with suitable visuals. It was very challenging for me to divide visuals and information into the best ratio. I had to take a slightly different approach to complete the projects successfully. I need more research and practice to understand the audience's point of view and reflect them well in future infographic projects. 


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