Information Design / Project 1: Instructable Poster
15/01/2023 - 23/02/2023/ Week 1 - Week 7
Kim Min Ah / 0356145
Information Design / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School
Project 1:
-Instructable Poster
-Animated Insturctable Poster
Fig 1.1.1 Module Information
Project 1: Instructable Poster
How to make Pincinelle (Lidia’s bread dough past)
Bread dough - 1 kg plain flour and 25g fresh yeast and 600ml water
Dissolves the yeast and mix them all together
A brief knead
1 hour and a half rest (less than half a centimetre thick)
Double roll the sheet and slices them
Roll them into a ribbon and cut them into 20cm
100ml extra virgin olive oil
1 kg of fresh tomatoes
10g basil leaves
One onion
A pinch of Salt and sugar
Boil the pasta
Pour the sauce on top of it and mix them well
Dress the past with some shredded basil
-Infographics should be in the best form to deliver information or knowledge to viewers.
-Mainly focus on the precise delivery rather than on the visuals.
Fig 1.1.7 Project 1 trial
Even though this term had only seven weeks of curriculum, I learned numerous skills through every exercise and project. I always wanted to learn and practice vector animation in Adobe After Effects program, and I could fulfil this desire through Mr. Martin's lectures and exercises. I'm more than satisfied with that and looking forward to applying it to further tasks. Moreover, I didn't have a clear understanding or experience in "Infographic Design." However, I had to practice creating an infographic design.
The focal purpose of infographic design is to deliver information or knowledge to audiences. I observed that I tend to prioritize visual elements over necessary information.
It wasn't simple to execute a good infographic design that provides information distinctly with suitable visuals. It was very challenging for me to divide visuals and information into the best ratio. I had to take a slightly different approach to complete the projects successfully. I need more research and practice to understand the audience's point of view and reflect them well in future infographic projects.
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