Video and Sound Production / Final Project
13/06/2023 - 04/07/2023 / Week 11 - Week 14
Kim Min Ah / 0356145
Interactive Design / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School
Final Project: Stop motion
Fig 1.1.1 Video and Sound Production module information booklet
Final Project - Stop Motion
Fig 1.1.2 Final project proposal
Fig 1.1.7 Final project elements created by me
Fig 1.1.8 Final project shooting progress
Fig 1.2.2 Final submission document
Youtube link:
Fig 1.2.3 Final project video
Sound Effects:
Cooking Music, Beatbrary-No Copyright Music
ROKO by Minah Kim
For the final project, we had to create a stop-motion video as a group. Throughout the project, first and foremost, we had to complete a proposal with a solid concept, supported by references and a storyboard. Then, we proceeded to create all the necessary elements for the final video and arranged them in aesthetically pleasing compositions to be photographed. Lastly, we focused on composing all the frames to bring our stop-motion video to life.
I observed that proposing a strong storyline and concept was more challenging than I had anticipated. Our group had to come up with three different ideations to meet the requirements for our proposal. According to Mr. Martin's feedback and my own experience throughout this final project, I realized that each scene needed to be visually appealing while also effectively conveying the storyline in a clear manner. I also learned that creating stop-motion videos requires a significant amount of time.
I found that engaging in this final project proved to be an enjoyable experience, providing us with a refreshing break from screens as we immersed ourselves in the world of arts and crafts. Moreover, working collaboratively as a group on the final project allowed me to have lasting memories and a strong sense of solidarity.
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