Typography / Final Compilation

29/08/2022 - 28/11/2022 / Week 1 - Week 14

Kim Min Ah / 0356145

Typography  / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School


Typography / Task 1: Exercises - Type Expression

Typography / Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication

Typography / Task 3: Type Design & Communication

Typography / Special Task: Type Design & Communication (Ang Pow)


Week 1 (29/08/2022)
For the week 1 class, we had a brief introduction to typography class. We also learned how to set up an e-portfolio platform which is "blogger".

Week 2 (05/09/2022)
The class of week 2 started off with receiving feedback on our design sketches for the first exercise from Mr.Vinod. After that, we were taught how to create outlines, ungroup and distort each letter on adobe illustrator which is the required skill for the upcoming task.

To create outlines on letters: type - create outlines
To distort the form of images or letters: white arrow to ungroup the image or letters: command + shift + G / To group the image or letters: command + G

Week 3 (12/09/2022)
In week 3, we received some feedback on the digital version of the letter design works.
Also, We were taught how to create a short animation (GIF form) using illustrator and photoshop.

Week 4 (19/09/2022)
We started off having feedback on our animation projects. During the class, we also taught how to set up a primary work environment and very essential skills to complete task 2 in InDesign.

Week 5 (26/09/2022)
In physical class on week 5, we had feedback on our Type formatting exercise and were informed about the upcoming task.

Week 6 (03/10/2022)
During the class, Students got to have chances to give each other feedback on Task 2 progress. Also, we had feedback on our work progress and e-portfolio from Mr.Vinod.

Week 7 (10/10/2022)
Public Holiday

Week 8 (17/10/2022)
Independent Learning Week

Week 9 (24/10/2022)
Public Holiday

Week 10 (31/10/2022)
Received feedback on digitalized letterforms.

Week 11 (07/11/2022)
Received feedback on the typeface before final submission. 
Have informed about the final compilation project and the group project.

Week 12 (14/11/2022)
Worked on the Ang Pow project in a group. 
Received feedback on our progress from Mr.Vinod.

Week 13 (21/11/2022)
Class cancelled

Week 14 (28/11/2022)
Public Holiday / Received feedback on final compilation reflection:
it would've been nicer to have more of an introspective reflection.

Task 1: Exercise 1 - Type Expression

Figure 1.1.1 
 final submission of type expression, exercise 1 (JPG) 

Figure 1.1.2 final submission of type expression, exercise 1 (PDF) (05/09/2022)

Task 1: Exercise 2 - Type Expression

Animation, "Sticky"

Figure 1.1.3 
 frames of final submission of type expression, exercise 2 (19/09/2022)

Figure 1.1.4 
 final submission of type expression, exercise 2 (19/09/2022)

Task 1: Exercise 3 - Type Formatting

Figure 1.1.5 final submission without baseline grids (JPG) (26/09/2022) 

Figure 1.1.6 final submission without baseline grids (PDF) (26/09/2022)

Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication

Figure 1.1.7 Final submission of Typographic Exploration without grid (JPG) (09/10/2022)

Figure 1.1.8 Final submission of Typographic Exploration without grid (PDF) (09/10/2022)

Task 3: Type Design & Communication

Typeface, "Mina"

Figure 1.1.9 Final submission of Typeface, "Mina" (JPG) (07/11/2022)

Figure 1.2.1 Final submission of Typeface, "Mina" (PDF) (07/11/2022)

Google drive link for font download


Poster of Typeface, "Mina"

Figure 1.2.2 Final submission of the poster (JPG) (10/11/2022)

Figure 1.2.3 Final submission of the poster (PDF) (10/11/2022)

Special Task: Type Design & Communication (Ang Pow)

Figure 1.2.4
 Final submission of Ang Pow by Jaycee & Minah (with diecut, JPG) (21/11/2022)

Figure 1.2.5
 Final submission of Ang Pow by Jaycee & Minah (without diecut, JPG) (21/11/2022)

Figure 1.2.6 Final submission of Ang Pow by Jaycee & Minah (PDF) (21/11/2022)



During 14 weeks of learning typography, I learned fundamental knowledge of Typography from type expression to kerning and type design. I’m genuinely thankful for the learning opportunity to experience different aspects of Typography throughout various tasks.


After going through individual exercises, I observed that I need to research and practice more to bring a huge improvement in my kerning skill. However, according to the feedback I received,  task 1 "Type expression" was quite successful. The layout of task 2, and task 3 were quite acceptable as well. Considering all of those aspects, I recognized that I tend to work better with tasks that require creativity than techniques. 


I realized that most good design works are elicited by a large amount of research and study. I used to research before working on assignments because of the requirements of the given task. Nevertheless, while I was practicing the tasks in Typography class, I could see that the progress of research has enriched my knowledge. Also, it helped me to develop my ideas further. 


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